The early 1970s saw the birth of the microcomputer, or micro for short ترجمه - The early 1970s saw the birth of the microcomputer, or micro for short فارسی چگونه می گویند

The early 1970s saw the birth of th

The early 1970s saw the birth of the microcomputer, or micro for short. The central processor of the micro, called the microprocessor, is built as a single semiconductor device; that is, the thousands of individual circuit elements necessary to perform all the logical and arithmetic functions of a computer are manufactured as a single chip. A complete microcomputer system is composed of a microprocessor, a memory and peripheral equipment. The processor, memory and electronic controls for the peripheral equipment are usually put together on a single or on a few printed circuit boards. Systems using microprocessors can be hooked up together to do the work that until recently only minicomputer systems were capable of doing. Micros generally have somewhat simpler and less flexible instruction sets than minis, and are typically much slower. Different micros are available with 4-, 8-, 12-, 16-bit word lengths, and some new ones use 32-bit chips. Similarly, minis are available with word lengths up to 32 bits. Although minis can be equipped with much larger primary memory sizes, micros are becoming more powerful and converging with minicomputer technology.

The extremely low price of micros has opened up entirely new areas of application for computers. Only 20 years or so ago, a central processing unit of medium capability sold for a few hundred thousand dollars (U.S.), and now some microprocessors sell for as cheaply as $10. Of course, by the time you have a usable microcomputer system, the price will be somewhere between $200 and $5000 depending on the display unit, secondary storage, and whatever other peripherals are needed.

The available range of microcomputer systems is evolving more rapidly than minicomputers. Because of their incredibly low price, it is now possible to use only a small fraction of the computer's capability in a particular system application and still be far ahead financially of any other way of getting the job done. For example, thousands of industrial robots are in use today, and the number is growing very rapidly as this relatively new industry improves the price and performance of its products by using the latest microcomputers.

Microcomputer software is developing rapidly and it now covers a tremendous range of applications. As well as data processing, software can also be written for specialized tasks even as complex as navigating rockets. Some modern micros are even capable of multi-tasking. In addition to their extensive use in control systems of all types, they are destined for many new uses from more complex calculators to automobile engine operation and medical diagnostics. They are already used in automobile emission control systems and are the basis of many TV game attachments. There is also a rapidly growing market for personal computers whose application potential in education is only just beginning to be exploited.

It would seem that the limits for microcomputer applications have by no means been reached. There are those who predict that the home and hobby computer markets, and the education market, will grow into multi-billion dollar enterprises within a decade or so. It would also appear that performance of microprocessors could well increase ten-fold before 1990 while prices for micros could decrease by as much.
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نتایج (فارسی) 1: [کپی کنید]
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The early 1970s saw the birth of the microcomputer, or micro for short. The central processor of the micro, called the microprocessor, is built as a single semiconductor device; that is, the thousands of individual circuit elements necessary to perform all the logical and arithmetic functions of a computer are manufactured as a single chip. A complete microcomputer system is composed of a microprocessor, a memory and peripheral equipment. The processor, memory and electronic controls for the peripheral equipment are usually put together on a single or on a few printed circuit boards. Systems using microprocessors can be hooked up together to do the work that until recently only minicomputer systems were capable of doing. Micros generally have somewhat simpler and less flexible instruction sets than minis, and are typically much slower. Different micros are available with 4-, 8-, 12-, 16-bit word lengths, and some new ones use 32-bit chips. Similarly, minis are available with word lengths up to 32 bits. Although minis can be equipped with much larger primary memory sizes, micros are becoming more powerful and converging with minicomputer technology.The extremely low price of micros has opened up entirely new areas of application for computers. Only 20 years or so ago, a central processing unit of medium capability sold for a few hundred thousand dollars (U.S.), and now some microprocessors sell for as cheaply as $10. Of course, by the time you have a usable microcomputer system, the price will be somewhere between $200 and $5000 depending on the display unit, secondary storage, and whatever other peripherals are needed.The available range of microcomputer systems is evolving more rapidly than minicomputers. Because of their incredibly low price, it is now possible to use only a small fraction of the computer's capability in a particular system application and still be far ahead financially of any other way of getting the job done. For example, thousands of industrial robots are in use today, and the number is growing very rapidly as this relatively new industry improves the price and performance of its products by using the latest microcomputers.Microcomputer software is developing rapidly and it now covers a tremendous range of applications. As well as data processing, software can also be written for specialized tasks even as complex as navigating rockets. Some modern micros are even capable of multi-tasking. In addition to their extensive use in control systems of all types, they are destined for many new uses from more complex calculators to automobile engine operation and medical diagnostics. They are already used in automobile emission control systems and are the basis of many TV game attachments. There is also a rapidly growing market for personal computers whose application potential in education is only just beginning to be exploited.It would seem that the limits for microcomputer applications have by no means been reached. There are those who predict that the home and hobby computer markets, and the education market, will grow into multi-billion dollar enterprises within a decade or so. It would also appear that performance of microprocessors could well increase ten-fold before 1990 while prices for micros could decrease by as much.
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نتایج (فارسی) 2:[کپی کنید]
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. در اوایل 1970s، شاهد تولد میکرو کامپیوتر یا میکرو برای کوتاه پردازنده مرکزی میکرو، به نام ریز پردازنده، به عنوان یک دستگاه نیمه هادی تک ساخته شده است؛ که شده است، هزاران نفر از عناصر مدار فردی لازم برای انجام تمام منطقی و توابع حسابی از یک کامپیوتر به عنوان یک چیپ ساخته شده است. یک سیستم میکرو کامپیوتر کامل از یک ریز پردازنده، حافظه و تجهیزات جانبی تشکیل شده است. پردازنده، حافظه و کنترل های الکترونیکی از تجهیزات جانبی معمولا با هم در یک و یا در چند قرار داده تخته مدار چاپی. سیستم با استفاده از ریزپردازنده می تواند قلاب با هم به انجام کاری که تا همین اواخر تنها سیستم مینی کامپیوتر قادر به انجام بود. میکروهای به طور کلی مجموعه آموزش تا حدودی ساده تر و قابل انعطاف کمتر از مینی کامپیوترها، و به طور معمول بسیار کندتر. میکروهای مختلف در دسترس هستند با 4-، 8-، 12-، طول کلمه 16 بیتی، و برخی از امکانات جدید استفاده از تراشه های 32 بیتی. به طور مشابه، مینی کامپیوترها در دسترس است با کلمه طول تا 32 بیت است. اگر چه مینی کامپیوترها را می توان با اندازه بسیار بزرگتر حافظه اولیه مجهز ، میکروهای حال تبدیل شدن بیشتر و قدرتمند همگرا با تکنولوژی مینی کامپیوتر. قیمت بسیار پایین طور کامل از میکروهای باز کرده است تا مناطق جدیدی برای کاربرد کامپیوتر فقط 20 سال یا بیشتر قبل، یک واحد پردازش مرکزی قابلیت متوسط ​​به فروش می رسد برای چند صد هزار دلار (US)، و در حال حاضر برخی از ریزپردازنده برای به عنوان ارزان به عنوان 10. $ البته فروش، در زمانی که شما یک سیستم میکرو کامپیوتر قابل استفاده، قیمت خواهد شد در جایی بین 200 $ و 5000 $ بسته به واحد نمایش، ذخیره سازی ثانویه، و هر چه لوازم جانبی دیگر مورد نیاز می باشد. محدوده در دسترس از سیستم های میکرو در حال تکامل است با سرعت بیشتری از مینی کامپیوتر ها. از آنجا که از آنها قیمت فوق العاده کم، آن است که در حال حاضر امکان استفاده از تنها بخش کوچکی از قابلیت کامپیوتر در یک برنامه سیستمی خاص و هنوز هم به مراتب جلوتر در مالی از هر راه دیگری برای گرفتن کار انجام می شود. برای مثال، هزاران نفر از ربات های صنعتی در استفاده از امروز، و تعداد در حال رشد است به سرعت به عنوان این صنعت بسیار نسبتا جدید را بهبود می بخشد قیمت و عملکرد ITS با استفاده از جدیدترین محصولات میکروکامپیوترهای. نرم افزار میکرو در حال توسعه به سرعت و در حال حاضر تحت پوشش طیف بسیار زیادی از برنامه های کاربردی. و همچنین پردازش داده ها، نرم افزار همچنین می تواند برای انجام وظایف تخصصی حتی به عنوان پیچیده به عنوان موشک هدایت نوشته شود. برخی از میکروهای مدرن حتی قادر به چند tasking. علاوه بر استفاده گسترده خود را در سیستم های کنترل از همه نوع، آنها را برای بسیاری از استفاده های جدید از ماشین حساب پیچیده تر به عمل موتور خودرو و تشخیص پزشکی به مقصد است. آنها در حال حاضر در خودرو سیستم های کنترل انتشار استفاده می شود و پایه های بسیاری از فایل پیوست بازی TV می باشد نیز وجود دارد سرعت در حال رشد بازار برای رایانه های شخصی چه کسانی به پتانسیل کاربرد در آموزش و پرورش تنها تازه شروع به بهره برداری می شود. به نظر می رسد که محدودیت برای برنامه های کاربردی میکرو دارند به هیچ وجه رسیده است. کسانی که می بینی وجود دارد که خانه و بازار کامپیوتر سرگرمی، و بازار آموزش و پرورش ، را به شرکت چند میلیارد دلار در یک دهه یا بیشتر رشد می کنند. همچنین به نظر می رسد که عملکرد ریزپردازنده به خوبی می تواند افزایش ده برابر قبل از 1990 در حالی که قیمت ها را برای میکروهای می تواند به میزان کاهش می دهد.

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